How does a fire detector for yachts work?
The fire detector for yachts is similar to the ones on land. The fire detection system (FDS) is a unit within the fire safety system (FSS), which aims to detect the onset of a fire as early as possible.
Pejout Marine Services performs regular checks on fire detection equipment and takes care of battery replacement.
Most of the devices are autonomous smoke detectors and alarms.
Normally, there is a smoke or heat detector in the galley coupled with a fire prevention station.
This small device detects smoke in the first moments of fire and sets off the alarm. It gives time either to control an incipient fire or to flee if there is too much smoke.
The fire dectector for yachts includes fire and heat detection devices (manual triggers, automatic detectors, etc.), intermediate devices (wired networks, etc.) and control and signalling equipment (ECS), also known as a “signalling panel” or “control panel”, which alerts the system to any fault or fire alarm. The components are arranged on loops or lines, connected to the ECS.
To find out more about when to service your equipment, get in touch with us.