Fire Extinguisher for Lithium battery
If a fire breaks out on board on a small lithium battery-equipped device (phone, tablet or other), in the absence of a dedicated lithium battery fire extinguisher, it can be extinguished with water if it is sprayed from at least 2 metres away so as not to breathe the fumes.
It is obvious that a fire extinguisher specially designed to put out lithium battery fires is essential on board your yacht if she is equipped with lithium batteries. Péjout Marine Service supplies the WS6-LH Li and WS2-Y Li in 6 and 2 litre sizes respectively.
These SOLAS approved fire extinguishers for lithium batteries are essential for safe sailing on your vessel. Filled with water and performing additives, they are an efficient mean to put out such a fire.
For larger devices the 50 L water based SORIK Li is the best and most practical a fire extinguisher for Lithium battery fire. Mounted on a trolley, it is particularly conceived to act against fires on different types and shapes of lithium batteries. It’s equipped with a 5mt lance applicator and spray nozzle to enable an easy and safe handling.
Your safety on board will be enhanced. As with other fire extinguishers on board your yacht, these should be checked regularly to ensure that they are working properly.

The Clean Agent: One of the Portable Fire Extinguishers approved by CSI certified MED
One of the most recent portable fire extinguishers is the Clean Agent, they have been conceived to be used in the arctic, the antarctic and answer to the regulations of the Polar Code.
The CLEANGREEN® fire extinguisher comes in 4kg, it is a mixture of clean gases HFC227 (known also as FM200®). Great Lakes Chemical) and HFC236. Both gases have no limits of law and environmental factors. This revolutionary fire extinguisher leaves no residue, has no impact on ozone layer.
It is non conductive of electricity, indispensable to avoid damages in engines, boats, computer electronic equipments and high value goods.
The CLEANBLUE® fire extinguisher comes in 1kg.
It is made of exactlythe same gas and thus present just like the Clean Agent CLEANGREEN® it is harmless for humans.

Portable fire extinguishers CO²
Effective on Class B fires (fires liquefy liquid or solid) and especially on electrical fires.
Generally recommended for all fires in the presence of an energized conductor (transformers, telephone switchboards, electrical switchboards, computers, motors, etc.).
Conforms to RGPT Extinguishing Mean: neutral gas, inert, non-toxic liquid at 5O kg / cm ² at 20 ° C.Result gained : cooling (-78 ° C) and sublimation of oxygen. Foyer: 89B Certified NF EN3, CE Approved 34B (34B means that the extinguisher can put out 34 liters of gasoline that have been burning for 1 minute). Aluminum body. Available in 2 and 5 kgs. Comes with wall mount + hoses.
Due to the lightness of the gas CO ² extinguisher, can smother well the flames.
A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher remains the cleanest type:it extinguishes the fire begins without leaving any residual trace.

Powder Portable fire extinguishers
These powder portable fire extinguishers extinguish all types of fires: wood, paper, cloth, hydrocarbon, electricity, gaz. Working by choking, the dust blocks, the development of flames and form an insulating deposit on the embers, of which results the extinction. For fires of Class A B or C.
1 kg et 2 kg
1.Auto-controlables through their pressure indicator (equipped with a nanometer)
2.Easy to use: instruction on the fire extinguisher
3.Fire Classification: ABC
4.Accordance with standard NF EN3
5.Approved 5A 34B (Model 1 kg) 13A and 89B (Model 2 g)
6.Supplied with mounting bracket

6 kg exists also in 9 and 12 kg
1. Control of speed trigger allows for better efficiency Aluminum head with grooves to avoid degassing pressure
2.Easy to use: instructions on the fire extinguisher Resistant: a polyethylene liner protects it from oxidation
3.Anti-slip handle for proper handling and greater efficiency
4.Fire Classification: ABC Complies with European standard NF EN3

Portable foam fire extinguisher 2, 6, 9, 12 litres / Class AB / ABF
The foam is produced by chemical reaction between the outside air and the water and the emulsifier content in the extinguisher.
The water sprayed reduces the spreading of the fire center with only intense evaporation while the additive greatly increases the fire suppression water, depositing an insulating film on the surface of the fuel.
Chemical foam is very corrosive. This type of extinguisher extinguishes fire class A, B or F by smothering and cooling. To avoid on electric courant.
6 liters
1. Extinguishing Class A fires (fires of solid materials such as wood, paper, fabric …) and Class B (liquid or solid liquefy example oils, gasoline, alcohol …) class F (for fryers’ fires)
2. Resistant: polyethylene lining protects from oxidation.
3. Anti- Slip handle for proper handling and greater efficiency
4. Complies with standard NF EN3 – Approved 13A.233B
5. Supplied with wall bracket

Extinguishers on wheels
Mobiles, compacts and directly ready to use, the extinguishers on wheels, with water, powder or C02, allow a very quick intervention on site or in the engine room.

1. Reservoir consists of two bottoms and a ferrule.
Anti-corrosion coating in epoxy resin polymerized in the oven.
2. Flange level in alloy for control and loading.
3. Rigded wheels in solid rubber tire diameter of 250 mm.
4.Semi-rigid pipe length 3 m for 50 kg / lt 1.60 m to 25 kg / lt
Co2 from 20 to 100 kg
Powder 50 or 100 kg
Sprayed water 45 or 100 litres